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Historic District Commission Minutes 02/06/2017
Historic District Commission Meeting Minutes

Regular Meeting
Monday, February 6, 2017

Memorial Town Hall, 52 Lyme Street, Old Lyme, CT
REGULAR: John Pfeiffer (Chairman), John Forbis (Vice Chairman), Barbara Traskos, Dini Mallory
Jeff Cooley, Cynthia Taylor
Wendy Brainerd
Call to order, Quorum call, Approval of minutes, Communications
Public Open Forum
Plaque Program Update: 206 Mile Creek Road, 209 Mile Creek Road, 6 Ferry Road, 10 Ferry Road, 110 Lyme Street
Secretary’s Report - Handbook update
Any other new or old business to come before the Commission (National Register survey, FRA plan update)

A quorum being present, the meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman John Pfeiffer. John Forbis moved, seconded by Barbara Traskos, to approve the January minutes. John Pfeiffer, John Forbis, Dini Mallory and Barbara Traskos voted in favor, motion passed.

1. Communications:
A certified letter was received from VHB informing the HDC of the Verizon Wireless plan to locate one antenna on a pipe mast attached to the building at 85 Swan Avenue. A public notice inviting comments will be published in The Day newspaper.
Lee Mergy sent an email regarding the large sign attached to a tree next to the First Congregational Church of Old Lyme. The sign is in violation of the Historic District signage rules. Joanne DiCamillo, chair of the Tree Commission, has been contacted. Mrs. DiCamillo has also contacted the tree warden, Tom Degnan.
Action: Notify Keith Rosenfeld, ZEO, of the complaints regarding the sign (Martha Hansen).
2. Public Open Forum: Wendy Brainerd, 6 Lyme Street, stated that the sign attached to a tree in front of the First Congregational Church of Old Lyme has been displayed for too long to be considered a temporary sign. She noted that the regulations state that everyone in the Historic District must comply with the rule, including churches.

3. Plaque Program Update: Martha Hansen
206 Mile Creek Road: Research has been started on the neighboring property to help clarify the history of #206. Check with Gary Holland (Martha Hansen).
209 Mile Creek Road: Research is continuing.
6 Ferry Road: Julie Quinn is working on the research.
110 Lyme Street: John Noyes has completed the research. A plaque stating “Richard Noyes, Jr. ca 1857” has been ordered.
32 Lyme Street: Cynthia Taylor is interested in a plaque.

4. Secretary’s Report:  Martha Hansen and Dini Mallory are working on updates to the Historic District Handbook. New photos of the Historic District will be added and some policies and definitions will be clarified.

5. Any Other New or Old Business:
National Register Survey: John Pfeiffer met with a firm that will be conducting a (grant-funded) survey of coastal properties that may be endangered by sea level rise. He suggested that they could survey the historic properties that are ten feet or less above sea level. The town of Old Lyme has applied for a grant from the State Historic Preservation Office to perform a survey of historic properties throughout Old Lyme.

FRA Plan Update – John Forbis reported that he has completed a 100-page report on the environmental impact of the FRA’s high speed rail plan. There are many sensitive species in the Connecticut River estuary which would be negatively impacted by the plan. A noise and vibration analysis is also included. The National Trust for Historic Preservation and the Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation are writing letters to the FRA about the impact of the new rail plan on historic places in Connecticut.

6. Adjournment:
Barbara Traskos made a motion, seconded by Dini Mallory, to adjourn the meeting at 9:50 am. John Pfeiffer, John Forbis, Dini Mallory and Barbara Traskos, voted in favor, motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Martha Hansen
Recording Secretary